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Religião e Espiritualidade / 28/02/2017

UNWIHW award winner Saeed Khan Falahi.

Make your religion a positive force to bring all people together: UNWIHW award winner Saeed Khan Falahi.

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Saeed Khan Falahi

Make your religion a positive force to bring all people together: UNWIHW award winner Saeed Khan Falahi.

When all the religions talk about peace and humanity then why to vote for a particular political party. One should their political leader on the basis of his/her character rather than the party.

A political leader can maintain peace and communal harmony of his area by his efforts but also he can disrupt the same quite easily. So one should exercise vote for a good candidate, United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week (UNWIHW) award winner Saeed Khan Falahi said, who was awarded by King Abdullah II of Jordan in 2014.

During the celebrations of the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017 in Shahjahanpur, people of all religions participated in the event and shared their views on improving the current situation most of the politicians are trying to fuel religious issues to get votes.

Alike every year, Saeed Khan Falahi has organised this two days event in Shahjahanpur. The United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week is an initiative of Jordanian king Abdullah II to motivate people of all faiths to live in harmony and peace.

The same initiatives were carried in India by Falahi. Because of his efforts in maintaining the communal harmony and peace, he was ed as the first Indian to receive the award in 2014.

People of all the religion gathered to attend the event and took the lunch together. Since the voting day is approaching in the five states of India including Uttar Pradesh, some anti-social elements may try to increase the differences between people of different religions to improve their vote banks.

Considering the sensitivity of the situation, father E M Paul and Father Dara Singh central Methodist Church urged the attendees to report the issue to police if someone asks to give vote in the name of religion. Father Paul advised people to remember that we all are tied with only one religion and that is humanity. Exercise your vote for a true leader who thinks about you as a human being not as a Muslim or Hindu or Christian.

Most of the attendees of the event were Muslim children and they tried to convey a message to general public that none of the terrorist is a Muslim. A true Muslim follows Islam, which preaches peace not terror and if someone spreads terrorism and says he is a Muslim then that person is only trying to defame Islam. Terrorist has no religion because all the religions talk about peace and brotherhood and a terrorist does opposite to what a religion says.

Saeed Khan Falahi told the media persons, "Humanity is my religion and I believe myself to be a son of Adam and Eve alike all other human beings on earth. This simply means that all the humans are my brother and sister then why should someone discriminate just because of our religion. Religion can be a positive force to bring people closer not a tool of creating hate between people as some politicians does. This is a sensitive time when politicians try to disturb the communal harmony to get votes and we all should think sensibly for the right candidate while voting."


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